Semiconductors are elements whose conductivity is between
that of an insulator - which has almost no conductivity - and a conductor - which
has almost full conductivity. Most semiconductors are crystals, with silicon
being the most common.
Some background: The electrons in an atom are organized in layers called shells, with the outermost layer being the valence shell. When atoms form bonds, the electrons in the valence shells are the ones that are shared or exchanged. Most conductors have just one electron in the valence shell. Semiconductors, on the other hand, typically have four electrons in their valence shell.
Some background: The electrons in an atom are organized in layers called shells, with the outermost layer being the valence shell. When atoms form bonds, the electrons in the valence shells are the ones that are shared or exchanged. Most conductors have just one electron in the valence shell. Semiconductors, on the other hand, typically have four electrons in their valence shell.
If all of an atom’s the neighbors are the same element, then
all of its valence electrons will bond with valence electrons from other atoms.
As a result, the atoms will arrange themselves into crystals. Semiconductors
are made out of these distinct crystals.
Moore, J. S., Jones, K. S., Kennel, H., & Corcoran, S. (2008). 3-D analysis of semiconductor dopant distributions in a patterned structure using LEAP. Ultramicroscopy, 108(6), 536-539.
Twitchett-Harrison, A. C., Yates, T. J., Newcomb, S. B., Dunin-Borkowski, R. E., & Midgley, P. A. (2007). High-resolution three-dimensional mapping of semiconductor dopant potentials. Nano Letters, 7(7), 2020-2023.
I'm glad to see that you've updated your blog. The post is thorough and the images are great. But according to my count, you are still missing three posts (if we count this last one as the second post for January.) I know you've been informed many times, so I hope you make this up very soon.