Saturday, November 7, 2015

Silicon Valley?

This year, I will be working in Jian Shi's research group - based in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

This group is currently focused on studying and ameliorating the inefficiencies of solar panels. Solar panels have much potential as a more ecologically friendly method of harnessing energy, but are - as of now - far too inefficient to replace fossil fuels. Of course, the Second Law of Thermodynamics. According to Forbes, the highest theoretical efficiency of a solar panel is 85%. However, solar panels on the market are currently capped at 35%. This is, in part, due to the inefficiency of silicon, which is a photovoltaic solar panel's main component.

It will be exciting, as the year goes on, to test and study different ways in which we can increase the efficiency of solar panels - with a focus on discovering or creating alternatives to silicon.


  1. Deena, I'm really looking forward to following your blog again this year!

  2. Deena, I think you should have more blog posts by now, and you should add more details to your posts. Just like last year, you will need to write weekly updates, which contain an overview of all of your work, and blog missed meetings. Let me know if you have any questions.

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